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Friday, August 24, 2012


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WHY BOTHER? The Riddle of the Good Samaritan
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Saturday, February 11, 2012

17: Stupidity Is Not a Gift of God


Stupidity Is Not a Gift of God

Letters to Ascended Master
St. Padre Pio,
Thursday, August 25, 2011
6:06 A. M.

Dear Padre,

          “‘Nature patterns after man, not man after nature,’ said Phylos the Tibetan,” I said at our last spiritual contemplation class in Barrie last Sunday to make the point that man’s consciousness is responsible for many of our climatic catastrophes. “Nature is trying to wake us up to our responsibility to life with all of these tsunamis and Katrina disasters, but man is too stupid to see it,” I added, and then quoted Rebazar Tarzs who said that the more experience one has with the peoples of the world, the more he will see that “stupidity is the reigning virtue.” And I couldn’t agree more—because I’m as guilty as the next person for making many stupid decisions in my life!
          I should tell you that I began writing the first story in my new literary endeavor. I started writing “La Familia.” And I also wrote the introduction to the book, which I may keep or not; it all depends upon how the stories turn out. But I have to tell you; I’m terrified of going where I know these stories are going to take me—deep into the private recesses of my soul.
          I have to confront some of the stupid decisions that I made in my life to liberate myself of the guilt that haunts me. As you said, how can I love myself when I have all this guilt that makes me angry with myself? And I thought I had dealt with my anger issue in my spiritual healing sessions with you! Obviously, I’m not yet finished with this issue; and I don’t think I will be until I work through my guilt with my stories.
          So, Padre, what do you say I open up this subject of man’s stupidity in this letter? I’ve come to the realization that the more conscious one becomes of how karma works, the more clearly he will see the relationship between cause and effect; and human stupidity comes into play when man sees this relationship and refuses to change his life.
          For example, science has proven that smoking causes lung cancer, but people continue to smoke knowing full well what might happen. Many do it because it’s a very difficult habit to break, which only creates what has been appropriately called “guilty pleasure,” and others simply toss the dice, taking the risk that they won’t get cancer from smoking, and the more stubborn ones go into denial and refuse to see the connection between smoking and lung cancer. These people are deceiving themselves.
          What about the battered housewife who refuses to get help because she does not want the world to know her situation? She’s too proud to admit that her husband beats her. Is that stupidity, or what?        Pride is born of vanity, and vanity is responsible for many stupid decisions. My vanity was responsible for many of my stupid decisions. God, when I think back on my life I want to throw up at how stupid I was because of my vanity! But as you told me in my last letter, I shouldn’t beat myself up over it now. Tomorrow is another day.
          “If I had children, the one gift that I would love to pass on to them would be the gift of spontaneity,” I said to Penny yesterday, because this gift would liberate my child from the fear of taking risks.
          I don’t know where I’m going with this, Padre but I think what I want to say is that stupidity is not a gift of God; it’s entirely man made. We know that pollution has devastating environmental consequences, but we continue to spew toxic gases into the atmosphere with our vehicles. And we continue to kill our soil with pesticides. And we poison our animal food supply with chemicals—our chickens, pigs, and cattle. Is this stupid, or what? It’s no wonder the Spiritual Hierarchy has decided to intervene to help save the planet from man’s unstoppable stupidity.
          I am right, aren’t I? There’s a great spiritual intervention going on as I write this letter to you, isn’t there? This is what we’ve been told by the Nine Enlightened Beings in the book The Only Planet of Choice. And this is what you confirmed in my spiritual healing sessions. So, what’s the antidote for man’s viral stupidity?
          I know the answer to this question. We have to raise the spiritual consciousness of the world, right? And how do we do that?
          In your own way, you say. Each according to his own means, and all in light of their love for man by taking responsibility for their own life; that’s the thought impression that I got from you. But I don’t want to pursue this mode of communication now. I’m not comfortable enough yet with this process, because I don’t trust my mind to be free of its own agenda; so if you don’t mind, Padre, I’ll just try to reason it out on my own and follow my “nudges” and “insights” as I’m accustomed to doing. Maybe when I’m more confident in the process I can indulge in this mode of communication; but until then, I won’t encourage it.
          It appears then that man’s capacities for stupidity has become an incorrigible habit, and we all know how hard habits are to break; but raising the level of the spiritual consciousness of the world will only work when it reaches the tipping point and man makes a shift from ego-driven behavior to soul-driven behavior. Is this possible, Padre?
          This is the challenge, isn’t it? I guess all we can do is play our little part in this BIG GAME OF LIFE, and hope for the best.

In Spirit,
Your faithful companion,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

16: The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back


The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back

Letters to Ascended Master
St. Padre Pio,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
5: 39 A. M.

Dear Padre,

          I fell off the tightrope, and I’m too ashamed to talk about it; but I have to tell you that I’m still in a state of anger because of my tooth. Well, not just my tooth; that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
          I didn’t think I had that kind of anger still left in me since you cured my wounded soul. I harbored a deep anger for my Roman Catholic faith, which is why you came into my life. My spiritual guide arranged for me to meet you through the spiritual sensitive so we could work together. But first you had to heal me of my anger, which you did because I no longer feel as I did about Christianity; but ever since I bit into that cherry pit and lost my tooth, I’ve been unbelievably angry.
          I came close to the source of my anger in my last spiritual musing, “The Foul Winds of Life,” which has to do with my character flaw of faultfinding; but even though I’ve raised this flaw to a conscious level, I’m still in a state of bitter anger. That’s why I fell off the tightrope.
          It’s not an excuse, but I just didn’t give a damn about my life and I fell into the bowels of my own mind and forfeited myself to fantasies that gave me temporary relief. It was foolish, and I know it was foolish, but I just didn’t give a damn and let go. Now I know how an alcoholic feels, and drug addict; they just let go and give in because they have to escape from the pressures of their own life.
It may be a small thing, biting into a cherry pit and losing a good tooth, but that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The real issue is all of the other straws that the good camel had to carry before that one straw broke its back. That final straw symbolizes the full brunt of one’s life-load. And just what is my life-load?
In a word, my unbelievable struggle to find my true self. To find my true self I had to find the Way, which was a monumental task, and when I found the Way I had to live it because that was the only way I could find my true self— because one does not find one’s true self, one BECOMES one’s true self by living the Way—and then writing about my search so I could pass on my spiritual quest to other seekers; and this has tried my soul.
Unless one has been called by God to find their true self they will never understand how demanding it is to be a spiritual seeker, let alone write about the quest, and when I bit into that cherry pit last month that caused me to lose my tooth I was so angry that I cursed the cherry pit because I felt let down just as Jesus was let down by the barren fig tree; and in my state of anger I fell into a state of wicked despair.
I called my despair a “life funk” to make light of it to Penny and my friends, but it was and still is much more than a funk. I feel like I was put into the forge of life (my private hell) to be tempered some more when I had no desire to be tempered; I just wanted some respite from life, that’s all. Given all on my efforts, I felt I deserved respite.
Padre, I remember from your letters to your Spiritual Director how despaired you were at certain times in your life, how your soul cried out in anguish and your only recourse was more prayer; but I’m not the praying type. My context is different from yours. I know that I am the author of my own state of consciousness, and my anger comes from some of the choices that I have made in my life that were blindly stupid. I’m angry with myself. I don’t blame anyone for my despair. I cursed the cherry pit because it brought everything to a head, which was too much for me to bear, and I lost it. So, what do I do now?
Forgive myself? Is that what I heard you say to me in the silence of my mind?
Forgive yourself, and then love yourself, because you cannot love yourself until you are free of the guilt that makes you angry.
And how do I forgive myself of all that blind stupidity? Have you any idea of how stupid I’ve been in some of my decisions?
You are not alone in the gifts of stupidity, my son. But you are more than the sum of your stupid decisions. Remember what I told you, that it’s all about understanding. Well, now you know that you have made stupid decisions in your life, and it’s time to forgive yourself.
How? How can I forgive myself when the memories of my stupidity haunt me practically every hour of every day? I can’t get past them. They rise up to torment me as I work, as I drive, as I watch TV, as I read, as I eat, and especially when I’m trying to sleep; everything that I do is a link to one or another stupid decision that I made, and I can’t free myself of my stupid self; so how can I forgive myself? It’s easier said than done!
I know. That was my dilemma as well. I prayed, and you write to ease your pain and guilt. Well, write yourself through your guilt. Use your pain for your writing. Let writing be your saving grace. As you said, your context is different; that’s why life is a journey of the self. Think about it.
To be honest with you Padre, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a book of short stories, with the title “We May Be Tiny, But We’re Not Small.” The other two stories would be “The Cherry Pit,” and “La Familia.” All of these stories would force me to deal with the guilt of some of my stupid decisions—not to mention another book of stories under the title “The Sunworshipper” which would deal with the enormous guilt of my stupid decision to practice solar techniques that did irreparable damage to my eyesight. I’m reminded every day of the enormous stupidity of that decision, and I don’t know if I can ever forgive myself for that.
That’s why you have to write about it. By writing about it, you will work your way through your guilt, and I promise that you will find yourself on the other side free of the pain of your despair. I will guide you through your pain. I promise to be there for you.
Forgive myself, eh? That’s the new challenge of my life. I’ve never given this concept of self-forgiveness much thought. Is that because I was much too self-centered to confront my own stupidity?
Your quests kept you so busy that you had no time or energy to pour into self-pity. Now that you have realized your spiritual goal, you have to deal with the consciousness of your self-guilt. As you say, that’s your new challenge now. Don’t despair. You have plenty of time to see this through.
About falling off the tightrope?
What about it? Is it so hard to admit that you are human? You are in the flesh, and when soul is in the flesh it will always seek the pleasures of the flesh. It is a fact of life. Accept it, and try harder next time. As they say today, don’t beat yourself up over it. Tomorrow’s another day.
What about my anger?
It will wear thin soon enough. You are not a man to stay angry very long. It is not in your make-up. You are what you are, and be proud of it. Soon you will be caught up in your new challenge, and all of the universe will conspire to assist you. 
Fair enough. Thank you, Padre. I didn’t expect this at all this morning. You are full of surprises. I don’t know what else to say. I feel like I’ve just been given a new set of marching orders!

I remain,
Your humble companion,


Saturday, January 28, 2012

15: Why Bother?


Why Bother?

Letter to Ascended Master
St. Padre Pio,
Friday, August 19, 2011
6: 50 A. M.
Dear Padre,

          You did tell me after the spiritual healing that you gave me that I would write more from the heart now than from the mind, which you said would be how I would connect with my reader, but whether what I write is from the heart or mind I have to ask you—something that has been brewing from the day those foul karmic winds began to blow into my life, leading to the unexpected loss of my tooth and leaving me in a state of inner turmoil—a very pertinent question: why bother?   
          I’ve devoted the best energies of my life to finding my true self, and I was blessed to awaken to the Way—the mysterious River of God that flows through life that you also awakened to by living la via di sofferenza (which is why we have a meeting of minds) — and I devoted my best creative energies to demystifying the Way for my reader with every book that I write, but I ask you again: why bother?
          When you were alive, you devoted every ounce of your energy to serving Jesus in his mission to bring souls back home to God, saying the daily Mass which people came from everywhere to witness, such was the spiritual intensity of your Masses, and listening to  over one hundred confessions daily (people were given numbers, there were so many who wanted to confess their sins to you, and it has been estimated that you heard five million confessions in your lifetime!), and still you prayed to do more for the love of Jesus and your fellow man—which you did by initiating the project of a new hospital which you called a House for the Relief of Suffering—and still you wanted to do more because your love to serve was so great that you could never do enough; but I can’t help but ask the question: why bother?
          The more I experience life—what I witness on television and the daily news and life around me—the more I am forced to agree with what the great Spiritual Master Rebazar Tarzs said to Paul Twitchell: “As you grow older in your observations of the peoples of the Earth world, it becomes more noticeable that stupidity is the reigning virtue.”
          In principle, I know you would agree with this comment; but having experienced you for an hour and a half once a month for ten months I know that you would also say, “Yes, that’s one interpretation.” And then you would proceed to inform me of the goodness of man, which would then soften my hardened and inflexible view and pry my heart open a little more; but you know what, Padre? I really don’t know why I should bother.
          You saw results from your service to Jesus and your fellow man—despite all the flak that you got from those who resented your spiritual gifts—by the love and affection of your “spiritual family,” but my world is barren of this goodness that comes with service. Which can mean one of two things: either my heart is not pure, or my time has not yet come.
          Let’s look at the first. Is my heart pure in my intent? I’ve always wanted to write, and I write about my life experiences—with a liberal use of the imagination; but do I write for myself, or to serve my fellow man by passing on the wisdom of my own spiritual quest?
          In all honesty, the very thought offends me that I am writing for pure selfish reasons, because I vowed that I would pass on the wisdom of my own spiritual quest simply because I KNOW how hard it is to find the Way and I simply want to make the search easier for the seeker. That is the raison d’être of my writing life—to help the seeker awaken to the Way. But I cannot help but wonder: why bother?
          I’ve experienced this feeling before, Padre. In fact, “old whore life” pushed me to the point once where I climbed on my platform and shouted: “Let the world find its own way!” And in an ironic way, you confirmed this when you told me “life is a journey of the self.”
          If life is an individual journey, then why bother? Everyone has to find their own way through the labyrinthine tunnels of their own karma, and we can give them all the Ariadne’s string in the world, but it won’t mean a damn thing—because “life is a journey of the self.” So, why bother?
          I read a book a couple of weeks ago about a Roman Catholic who could no longer suffer the indignities of her faith—the same indignities that I suffered in my belief in eternal damnation and that salvation was only possible through Jesus Christ and the “one true Church”—and I experienced this woman’s spiritual anguish as she wrestled her soul free from these false doctrines, which only goes to prove your truth that “life is a journey of the self,” and I have done everything in my power—which I am still doing, with these letters to you—to awaken my reader to the eternal saving grace of the Way, which is everywhere to be found; but again I ask, why bother?—because no one’s listening!
          I know, I know; you told me to speak only to those who have ears for what I have to say, but where in the hell are these people? I can’t help but feel that the whole world is deaf to what I have to say!
          You told me it would take three years for the ripple effect to reach out and touch the people who would hear what I have to say, and it’s only been a little over one year now since you told me this; so, am I impatient? And why should I believe you? Am I supposed to have blind faith in you?
          I know you did everything you could to bolster my confidence, by showing my yet-to-be published books to my spiritual sensitive, and that I should commit myself to getting them out there (especially my novel Jesus Wears Dockers, which my spiritual sensitive felt was the main reason why I was having those spiritual healing sessions—to get that book out there), but since that foul karmic wind blew into my life, I can’t help but ask: why bother?
          Last night, sleeping alone in our big king size bed because Penny went up north to attend her niece’s wedding and visit with her father, I almost came to tears because I could have poured more energy into making Penny’s life a little more financially secure, and I had to ask myself whether all of my creative efforts to demystify the Way were worth it.
          I broke the code of the sayings of Jesus, which is why you want to see my novel Jesus Wears Dockers out there, but why bother Padre? You told me that a little worry is good, that it keeps one sharp on and edge, but I tell you that the anxiety wrought by the struggle to survive with dignity is not worth the bother of the commitment to serve life—and yet, I know it has to be this way because service is the ultimate goal of life. God, what a conundrum!
          But I do have one reader who loves my writing and believes in me, and you can guess who that is—Penny Lynn, the love of my life; and thank God for her belief in me, or I would have given up long ago. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have my novels My Unborn Child and Keeper of the Flame out there seeking to find their readers. They may not have connected yet, but at least they’re out there, and that’s all that matters.
          I guess when all is said and done—and I am through with all this moaning and groaning—I have to just bow my head and keep butting at life until I either smash my skull or break through to the other side where all of the karmic rewards for my service to life are waiting for me. What did Henley say in his poem Invictus?

“In the fell clutch of circumstance
            I have not winced nor cried aloud.
  Under the bludgeonings of chance
               My head is bloody, but unbowed.”

          I guess what it comes down to is that these foul karmic winds (“the fell clutch of circumstance”) are bound to blow through our life every so often because our journey is all about spiritual resolution, so we really have no choice but to hold our course through the tempests; but I don’t mind confessing, Padre, it can get quite fatiguing.

I remain,
A very tired companion,

Saturday, January 21, 2012

14: The Tempest Has Passed


The Tempest Has Passed

Letters to Ascended Master
St. Padre Pio,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
6: 30 A. M.

Dear Padre,

          The tempest has passed. I’ve calmed down somewhat. I’m still not a happy camper, but I’ beginning to adjust to my new reality. I haven’t made my appointment with the denturist recommended by my dentist. I’m not ready yet. I’m not that resolved.
          I drove Penny to Barrie yesterday morning to catch the 7 o’clock Go Train to Toronto. She flew to Thunder Bay for her niece’s wedding, and when I came home I went for a walk around our street.
          I brought my notebook with me. I felt that the tempest of my dismay had passed, and I jotted that down. As I’m walking, I find myself crossing the street to walk on the other side. I have my head down, thinking about the foul karmic wind that blew into my life and threw me out of spiritual balance when I spotted a ten-dollar bill on the ground.
          “What’s this?” I wondered, with mixed emotions. I wondered who had lost it, knowing that there was no way I could return it to the person, which gave me moral permission to keep it, and I knew it was a sign that pointed to something beyond itself (when something out of the ordinary happens, I’ve learned that it points to something else; in other words, Spirit is trying to tell us something), but what?
          I knew it was a good sign, but I was much too suspicious of “good” signs to read too much into it, so I resisted the temptation…

          Penny just called to say good morning, so I had to suspend my letter; she had some good news to share. She brought her father to the casino last night. He went on his motorized scooter and she walked because the casino is a short distance from her father’s apartment, and her two sisters joined them. Penny told me she won four hundred and fifty dollars; and then she shared the dream she had last night, and one part of her dream had to do with a phone call she got from an investment lawyer from New York!
          So, Padre; is Spirit teasing us again? We’ve gotten so many signs that my writing is going to connect that we’re both very suspicious of good signs, and we refuse to read into them what we desperately wish for; that’s why I said to Penny when she shared her dream, “I’m not going there,” meaning that I wasn’t going to tease myself again.
          See what “old whore life” has done to me? She’s made me suspicious of the language of life, and it’s going to take time to regain my confidence. Not that I doubt Spirit’s guidance, which would be foolish; but both Penny and I are tired of grasping at hope.
          Padre, you were known as “a man of hope and prayer” in your life; maybe you could shed some light on our situation. Is Spirit teasing us with these signs and symbols, or are we just teasing ourselves by wanting them to mean what we would like them to mean; or, do they really point there, to a comfortable, successful future?
          I have a little job to go to today, a few hours of taping a washroom for a contractor whom I work for now and then, and Sunday I went to see an old customer of mine (I taped the drywall of his new house before my bypass surgery) to give him a price for taping their basement, so if I get this job it will offset some of these expenses that the foul karmic wind has blown into my life—and by calling it a foul karmic wind, I mean that I didn’t see it coming and the surprise really upset me.
          I would love nothing more than to be free to write without the worry of monthly expenses; that’s why we’ve always read the signs and symbols the way we have, which upon first appearance point to where we would like to be; but we’ve grown suspicious, because life is crowding us.
I don’t want to go into detail about these signs and symbols, because there are too many; but not only do we get signs and symbols, I’ve been told outright by you and other Spiritual Masters that we’re headed where the signs and symbols point to.
          When I asked you point blank in one of my spiritual healing sessions if my writing was going to pay off you said, “He will get what he seeks.” This wasn’t clear enough for the spiritual sensitive who channeled you, so she asked if this meant financial remuneration, and you said yes. And at one of my book discussion classes recently a member of the class, who is also a spiritual sensitive who gives me information that Spiritual Masters pass on to her about my writing, said they told her to tell me to remember where I came from, who I am, and where I am going—implying that when my books connect it’s going to change my life financially and socially. So, what am I to think, Padre?
          I don’t know, and quite frankly in the mood I’m in after this last little tempest I really don’t give a damn. I’m just going to plug along as I’ve always done and hope for the best. You see, I too am a man of hope! Maybe not a man of prayer like you (you prayed the rosary dozens of times a day, calling the rosary your “weapon”), but I have to have hope to get me through the rest of this life; otherwise I’d have to resign myself to a life of angry desperation—which is a side of life that Thoreau failed to acknowledge when he said that the vast majority of mankind has resigned itself to a life of “quiet desperation.”
          I know, I know; it’s all about surrender. We have to let go and let God. I know this, but what the hell’s the point of evolving through millions of lifetimes only to realize our own individuality—a new “I” of God that we have to surrender to God? Isn’t that like saying that God has to surrender to God to become more God? It is a mystery!
          We touched on this theme of in one of my spiritual healing sessions in our discussion on the selfless self.  I guess I still have a long way to go before I experience that bliss that you experienced when you crossed over—that joyous surrender that lifted you to the heights of Ascended Spiritual Master.
You’ll have to share more of that experience with me when I start my next book project with you after I publish Healing with Padre Pio—unless, of course, you choose to tell my in a dream. I’d love that. But, as I said, Spirit does what Spirit wills, so I’m not going to hang my hat on that dream!

I remain,
Your tempered companion,