Experiencing The Holy Now
With My Neighbor
Letters to Ascended Master
St. Padre Pio,
Thursday, July 28, 2011
9: 25 A. M.
Dear Padre,
I don’t know if I’m reading too much into this, perhaps because I wish it to be true, but I think yesterday you gave me a deeper glimpse into my insight into the hypersynchronistic potential of my life (i.e., approaching the Holy Now) with an experience with my next door neighbor who brought her three children up to the family cottage.
Her three children are boys, the youngest two, the other six, and the oldest ten. I went bike riding with the two older boys one evening, and the next day the middle boy came over to the house to ask if we could go bike riding again, and we did; and later as I was reading on my front deck, the three boys came over to join me.
Their mother speaks Italian fluently, and I asked her the day before if she could write in Italian, which she can; so I wanted to know if she could translate a couple of short paragraphs into Italian for my novel Healing with Padre Pio. These were the two questions that I asked you in my poor Italian dialect in one of my spiritual healing sessions.
She said she would, and I told her I’d bring them over the next day, or day after. I didn’t want to impose on her right away. I wanted her to enjoy her first few days at the cottage with her kids.
After dinner last night I was on the front deck reading Lost Books Of The Bible, by William Hone (the books that were left out of the Bible; I was reading St. Paul’s Letters that were not included in the Bible) when I heard the boys outside. They had just finished dinner and had come out to play.
Their two cousins, both girls, had come to the cottage with their mother, just for the day, and they were all excited to be together and wanted to get as much play time in together before the mother and girls left that evening. They had to return early because they were moving into their new house and a lot had to be done. The girls were not happy to be moving to a new neighborhood in Toronto because they would miss their friends.
In any event Padre, as I was sitting there the thought occurred to me to drop over with the two paragraphs that I wanted translated, because I thought that the two sisters could work on it together and give me the best translation possible; so I got my paper and walked over.
Of course, I had to explain what I wanted translated, which entailed telling them about my spiritual healing sessions with you; but they weren’t as shocked as I thought they would be. They’re Roman Catholic, with a very deep faith in their religion that got badly shaken when their father died of cancer five years ago.
The whole family was angry at God because they did not think it was fair for their father to be taken so early, and their anger had not gone away yet, which gave me the opportunity to introduce the concepts of karma and reincarnation that I expound upon in Healing with Padre Pio; and after I told them about how my Medical Intuitive, who is a spiritual sensitive (a modern term for psychic) channeled you for my sessions, one of the girls told me about their parish priest who was also spiritually gifted and who left his parish church to go to a smaller parish where he was “called” to pursue his gift by doing “healing Masses” for parishioners.
This priest married my neighbor and her husband, who had a near-fatal car accident and who swears that St. Anthony saved his life. In fact, when their priest was counseling them for marriage he saw that St. Anthony was in the room with the young man, and he commented on the Saint’s presence; so the young man told him about his accident and how his mother prayed to St. Anthony to spare his life. This story made it easier for me to share my experience with you, Padre, and it also gave me the opportunity to give the girls a copy of my new novel Keeper of the Flame, which is sure to expand their spiritual horizons.
Now I can make my point, which I hope is not too tenuous (for me, it’s not; but for the reader it might appear that I am trying to pour the ocean into a teacup), and it is this: While standing at the kitchen sink doing the dishes, the mother of the three boys was telling her sister what wonderful neighbors Penny and I were, how lucky they were to have us for neighbors, and she was wondering what she could do for us—and just then I appeared at the door with my two paragraphs for her to translate into Italian!
Coincidence? I think not. I think this experience was proof of what I am beginning to see as the Holy Now—that mystifying concept of “singularity” that Jesus tries to explain to Glenda Green in her book Love Without End, Jesus Speaks: —
“Due to the one spirit and the highly integrated, synchronistic nature of all existence, there is an aspect of singularity, although it is not a particle or point. It is a function of hypersynchronicity which can compress any or every part of existence to a singular state of infinite potential. Thus, ‘singularity’ as an aspect of separation does not exist. Separation is not honored to that degree” (p. 289).
This is such a deep concept that it is beyond my comprehension, and yet I think that I do perceive it; and my experience with my neighbor was your way of giving me proof that I am approaching the Holy Now—the Eternal Present, which is accessed by hypersynchronstic experiences like my experience with my neighbor when she thought of something she could do for her wonderful neighbors and I showed up at her door at precisely that moment with the paragraphs that I wanted her to translate for me!
Was existence, hers and mine, compressed to a point of singularity? Did we experience the Holy Now where cause and effect were one? Was this a moment of “perfect stasis,” as Jesus explained it: —
“The universe is implicitly and explicitly of one piece. At the point of perfect stasis between the implicit and explicit, there is a condition of hypersynchronicity where matter, energy, space, and time move into a ‘no-resistance’ mode of infinite potential. This is not the collapse of matter. This is the synchronizing of it to a ‘zero point’ of perfect stasis. (Stasis, He explained, is the perfect repose of hypersynchronicity.) Understand that ‘zero point’ is not about ‘nothingness.’ It’s a designation of infinity” (p. 287).
Isn’t this “designation of infinity” the Holy Now, the Eternal Present, that place where cause and effect are one?
This is deep stuff, Padre; but I think that these letters have opened me up to a greater flow of Divine Spirit, and my doors of perception have been opened enough for me to catch a glimpse of the Holy Now in the experiences of my daily life! Wow!
Now that I have shared this with you (it seems foolish that I should speak like this, because you are ever-present in my life and know everything about me; but I will talk about this in another letter), let me share a dream that I had a month or so ago of being so present in the Holy Now that I became a magnet for people. I had such spiritual gravitas in my dream that people couldn’t get enough of me! In my dream, I knew that I was living in the moment—the Holy Now!
Is the inner starting to manifest on the outer? I think so, but I don’t want to go there yet because that’s too much for me to think about. It terrifies me to know that I’m getting that close to the “singularity”!
I remain,
Your faithful companion,
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